
From Generations


Super Potion.png

Super Potion.png
To always keep your team in tip-top shape.

Healing Items (or Medicines) are really important Items that can keep your Pokemon alive. They all get consumed on use.

They can be used from your Bag while in Battle, or from your inventory while the Pokemon is out of the Ball (R key).
To select which Pokemon to throw out, use the Up and Down Arrow keys.

Revives can also be used outside battle by right-clicking the item while having the fainted Pokemon selected in the Team Bar.

Most Medicines can be bought from their specialized Shopkeeper.

Health Restoration

Medicines that can be used to restore the HPs to a selected Pokemon.
Item Description
Berry Juice.png Berry Juice Restores 20 HP to the Pokemon. Can also be used as a held item.
Energy Powder.png Energy Powder Restores 50 HP to the Pokemon.
Energy Root.png Energy Root Restores 200 HP to the Pokemon.
Fresh Water.png Fresh Water Restores 50 HP to the Pokemon.
Full Restore.png Full Restore Fully restores the Pokemon's HP and heals all its status ailments.
Hyper Potion.png Hyper Potion Restores 200 HP to the Pokemon.
Lemonade.png Lemonade Restores 80 HP to the Pokemon.
Max Honey.png Max Honey Revives a fainted Pokemon and fully restores its HP.
Max Potion.png Max Potion Fully restores the Pokemon's HP.
Max Revive.png Max Revive Revives a fainted Pokemon and fully restores its HP.
Moomoo Milk.png Moomoo Milk Restores 100 HP to the Pokemon.
PokeMod Potion.png Potion Restores 20 HP to the Pokemon.
Revival Herb.png Revival Herb Revives a fainted Pokemon and fully restores its HP.
Revive.png Revive Revives a fainted Pokemon and restores half its HP.
Sacred Ash.png Sacred Ash Revives all fainted Pokemon in your Party and fully restores their HP. Can only be used out of battle.
Soda Pop.png Soda Pop Restores 60 HP to the Pokemon.
Super Potion.png Super Potion Restores 60 HP to the Pokemon.
Sweet Heart.png Sweet Heart Restores 20 HP to the Pokemon.

Status Restoration

Medicines that can be used to heal a selected Pokemon from status ailments.
{{Desc|Mental Herb|Cures the Pokemon of the effects of infatuation, Taunt, Torment, Disable, and [Encore. Can also be used as a held item.}}
Item Description
Antidote.png Antidote Heals the Pokemon from the poisoned and badly poisoned status.
Awakening.png Awakening Heals the Pokemon from the sleep status.
Big Malasada.png Big Malasada Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Blue Flute.png Blue Flute Heals the Pokemon from the sleep status.
Burn Heal.png Burn Heal Heals the Pokemon from the burn status.
Casteliacone.png Casteliacone Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Full Heal.png Full Heal Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Full Restore.png Full Restore Fully restores the Pokemon's HP and heals all its status ailments.
Heal Powder.png Heal Powder Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Ice Heal.png Ice Heal Heals the Pokemon from the frozen status.
Lava Cookie.png Lava Cookie Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Lumiose Galette.png Lumiose Galette Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Old Gateau.png Old Gateau Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Paralyze Heal.png Paralyze Heal Heals the Pokemon from the paralyze status.
Pewter Crunchies.png Pewter Crunchies Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Rage Candy Bar.png Rage Candy Bar Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Red Flute.png Red Flute Snaps the Pokemon out of infatuation.
Shalour Sable.png Shalour Sable Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Yellow Flute.png Yellow Flute Snaps the Pokemon out of confusion.

PP Restoration

Medicines that can be used on a Pokemon to restore/increase the PP (Power Points) of a move.
Item Description
Elixir.png Elixir Restores 10 PP to all moves of the Pokemon.
Ether.png Ether Restores 10 PP to one of the moves of the Pokemon.
Max Elixir.png Max Elixir Fully restores the PP to all moves of the Pokemon.
Max Ether.png Max Ether Fully restores the PP to one of the moves of the Pokemon.
Pp Up.png Pp Up Rises the PP of a move by 1/5 of the move base PP.
Pp Max.png Pp Max Rises the PP of a move to 8/5 of the move base PP.

Different Medicines

Battle Modifiers

Battle Modifiers are special Medicines that can only be used while in battle to affect the user's stat modifiers and apply special effects to allies.

Main article: Modifiers


Berries are special Medicines that can be held and used independently by a Pokemon while in battle. They can also be used out of battle.

Main article: Berries


Medicines that affect your Pokemon growth, increasing their statistics and power. Can only be used out of battle.

Main article: Candy

EV Training

Medicines that can hasten the training of your Pokemon Effort Values.

Herbal Medicines

Very bitter Medicines that make your Pokemon unhappy upon use, reducing their Happiness.

Item Description
Heal Powder.png Heal Powder Heals the Pokemon from all non-volatile status conditions and confusion.
Energy Powder.png Energy Powder Restores 50 HP to the Pokemon.
Energy Root.png Energy Root Restores 200 HP to the Pokemon.
Revival Herb.png Revival Herb Revives a fainted Pokemon and fully restores its HP.


Main article: Mints

Rare Medicines that allow you to change a Pokemon Nature.

Name Increased stat Decreased stat
Red Mint.png Lonely Mint Attack Defense
Red Mint.png Adamant Mint Attack Sp. Attack
Red Mint.png Naughty Mint Attack Sp. Defense
Red Mint.png Brave Mint Attack Speed
Purple Mint.png Bold Mint Defense Attack
Purple Mint.png Impish Mint Defense Sp. Attack
Purple Mint.png Lax Mint Defense Sp. Defense
Purple Mint.png Relaxed Mint Defense Speed
Blue Mint.png Modest Mint Sp. Attack Attack
Blue Mint.png Mild Mint Sp. Attack Defense
Blue Mint.png Rash Mint Sp. Attack Sp. Defense
Blue Mint.png Quiet Mint Sp. Attack Speed
Pink Mint.png Calm Mint Sp. Defense Attack
Pink Mint.png Gentle Mint Sp. Defense Defense
Pink Mint.png Careful Mint Sp. Defense Sp. Attack
Pink Mint.png Sassy Mint Sp. Defense Speed
Green Mint.png Timid Mint Speed Attack
Green Mint.png Hasty Mint Speed Defense
Green Mint.png Jolly Mint Speed Sp. Attack
Green Mint.png Naive Mint Speed Sp. Defense
Yellow Mint.png Serious Mint