
From Generations

Image of a Pokemon battle in Generations.

Cobblemon replicates the turn-based Battle system we all learned to love in the original games by implementing Showdown directly into the mod. You can initiate a battle with a wild Pokemon by pressing R while aiming at it, this will throw your Pokemon out and the battle will begin.

Battle Screen

Battle Screen.png
The initial Battle screen will prompt you to select between the four main options- Fight, Switch, Catch, or Run. Pressing Fight, will move you to the Move Selection. Pressing Switch will move you to the Switching menu. Pressing Catch will allow you to walk around and throw a Poke Ball. Pressing Run will also allow you to walk around, simply walk far away and your battle will automatically end.

Move Selection

Battle Move Screen.png
The Move Selection screen allows you to select which move you would like to use in battle. Be aware of type advantages, abilities, and move effects to better strategize your moves.


Battle Action.png
The Action Log is displayed on the far right side, it is a scrollable log that informs you of everything that has happened in the battle, such as moves chosen, abilities activated, move effects, and more. Keep note!


Battle Switching.png
Pressing the Switch button will prompt you to select which party member you would like to switch to- in this case, we can have Gengar switch in for Lugia instead if we wanted.


Battle Capture.png
Capturing is quite simple- press the Catch button and then throw your Poke Balls at the Pokemon. Be aware that some Pokemon, for instance Legendaries, have low catch rates and it's advised to use better Poke Balls against them or else you'll encounter failed captures