Moves, also known as Attacks, are the main skill Pokemon use in battle. They are generally used once per turn.
A Pokemon can only know up to 4 moves at the same time, which can be checked out, reordered, forgotten, and relearned in the PokeChecker menu. Every Pokemon has a predetermined set of moves it can learn called Learnset, this includes moves it can learn via level up,
TMs, and by Breeding.
In some cases it is recommended to delay the evolution of a Pokemon, as pre-evolved forms usually learn moves quickier than their final evolution.
Moves are usually divided in three categories: Physical, Special and Status, this determines whether the move deals damage or not and if the damage calculation is based on the Pokemon's Attack or Special Attack. However it is possible for some specific moves to change their "category" depending on a number of conditions.
All moves have an assigned type that decides how effective they are on the opposing Pokemon and whether they receive the STAB (same-type attack bonus).