
From Generations

Experience Generations at its best by opening your own server or joining a wide variety of servers to choose from, each providing new and unique gameplay that singleplayer simply cannot reproduce.
Servers can offer a range of unique features and activities such as trading Pokemon, PvP battles, questing systems and story modes; create your own sidemods by making use of our API or customize everything Generations has to offer to make your server shine next to others.

Maximize your Minecraft & Pokemon gameplay by joining a server and meeting new friends and rivals along the way!


  • Generations has few prerequisites to work, be sure to follow them thoroughly:
    • Latest available version of the mod, older versions will not receive any support for bugs/crashes/errors experienced along the way. Ensure you are running matching versions of required mods such as Cobblemon, as often times minor versions will break Generations due to species/spawn data changes- we update regularly so we recommend just waiting until we release a compatibility patch.
    • Forge Recommended Forge 1.20.1 version. NeoForge will be required 1.20.2 onwards.
    • Fabric Recommended Fabric 0.15.6 version. Quilt is not officially supported at this time, but may or may not work.
    • Latest Latest Java 17 or 21 version Typically handled by the popular launchers on first launch.

Note: Other mods may be used together with Generations, though we cannot guarantee that there will be no conflicts between them. Check the incompatibilities for a general overview.

Server Setup


  1. Open your configs and customize the pokeloot generation to offer all your players a balanced experience.


Main article: Optimization Guide
  1. Servers Optimization; view the optimization guide to get the most out of every performance increase you can to help ensure smooth gameplay for your players.

Server Hosting

  • This guide primarily focuses on a Local host environment, as Online hosts offer a pre-made and well-secured setup that makes it very quick and easy to start your own server.


Main article: Server Hosting

Online Hosts are always the preferred solution, unless you have a dedicated at-home setup and know the risks. However, their services are not for free and can become quite expensive with higher plans.
Start from low! If you are planning to run a server for a few players, select the plan that is more appropriate with your needs, overkills are not necessary.
Certain services allow you to filter the plans depending on you needs.

Some hosts do provide free plans, but these can become very ineffective in hosting solutions.


Local Hosting is best used when creating a server for close friends to join or for personal testing. If you decide to allow external connections, your computer can be at risk due to the requirement of Port Forwarding, which essentially opens a hole in your Firewall.
Local servers run off your machine, so depend on its specifications (amount of Cpu, Ram, space of disk...) and may weight a lot on your system, slowing it down.


This guide will explain generally the requirements to run your Local Generations server, not different from running any other modded server. If anything is unclear, feel free to reseach informations elsewhere!

- Forge Installation
- Fabric Installation
- First Start
- Mods Installation
- Connecting

Server List

Server List
Server Name Server IP Forge/Fabric Server Description
Harmony Both ∞ Homes, 100% Free BP, Towny, Lootr, McMMO, 8+ Years
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