
From Generations


Red Mint.png

Red Mint.png
Rare herbs that can change a Pokemon Nature.

A Mint are a rare Item that can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to change its Nature.
The change will only affect the Pokemon stats, sorting no effect on abilities, moves and evolutions that depend on Nature.
Breeding only takes into consideration the original Nature of the Pokemon.

If more than one Mint is used on the same Pokemon, the effect will be overwritten.

Mints exist in 6 different variants, depending on which stat is being increased:

Red Mint.png Red Mints Attack stat
Purple Mint.png Purple Mints Defense stat
Blue Mint.png Blue Mints Sp. Attack stat
Pink Mint.png Pink Mints Sp. Defense stat
Green Mint.png Green Mints Speed stat
Yellow Mint.png Yellow Mints

List of Mints

Name Increased stat Decreased stat
Red Mint.png Lonely Mint Attack Defense
Red Mint.png Adamant Mint Attack Sp. Attack
Red Mint.png Naughty Mint Attack Sp. Defense
Red Mint.png Brave Mint Attack Speed
Purple Mint.png Bold Mint Defense Attack
Purple Mint.png Impish Mint Defense Sp. Attack
Purple Mint.png Lax Mint Defense Sp. Defense
Purple Mint.png Relaxed Mint Defense Speed
Blue Mint.png Modest Mint Sp. Attack Attack
Blue Mint.png Mild Mint Sp. Attack Defense
Blue Mint.png Rash Mint Sp. Attack Sp. Defense
Blue Mint.png Quiet Mint Sp. Attack Speed
Pink Mint.png Calm Mint Sp. Defense Attack
Pink Mint.png Gentle Mint Sp. Defense Defense
Pink Mint.png Careful Mint Sp. Defense Sp. Attack
Pink Mint.png Sassy Mint Sp. Defense Speed
Green Mint.png Timid Mint Speed Attack
Green Mint.png Hasty Mint Speed Defense
Green Mint.png Jolly Mint Speed Sp. Attack
Green Mint.png Naive Mint Speed Sp. Defense
Yellow Mint.png Serious Mint