
Happiness, also referred to as Friendship, is a measurement of how much a Pokemon is attached to its Trainer and enjoys being in their care. The Happiness of your Pokemon is displayed as a value in the Pokemon's Summary menu.
The Happiness of your Pokemon affects the evolution of certain Pokemon, the power of Return and Frustration, and a number of other mechanics introduced by Generations.
A newly caught Pokemon has usually an Happiness value of 70, which can be increased, up to a cap of 255 points, or decreased, down to 0 points, by running into certain events, such as a level up or fainting.
- Pokemon that require high Friendship to evolve, will see the requirement satisfied if they have at least 220 Happiness points.
How to Increase/Decrease Friendship?
Various methods can be used to Increase and Decrease your Pokemon's Happiness.
This value usually changes by itself while training your Pokemon, but it can be also modified by hand.
Increase Happiness
- Let your Pokemon stay out of the
Poke Ball.
- Level up.
- Give your Pokemon a friendship-rising item to hold (i.e. A
Soothe Bell).
- Use a
Curry or any consumable item on your Pokemon (except for Herbal Medicines).
- Let your Pokemon eat a
Poke Puff.
- Use a friendship-raising
Berry (Pomeg Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Qualot Berry, Hondew Berry, Grepa Berry, and Tamato Berry).
Decrease Happiness
- Leave your Pokemon in the
PC for too long.
- Fainting.
- Use a
Herbal Medicine (Heal Powder, Energy Powder, Energy Root and Revival Herb) on your Pokemon.
Trading will always reset Happiness from any value to a value of 70.
This is a list of Pokemon that evolve using Friendship (Happiness ≥ 220):
Evolutions | ||
Golbat | → Level up |
Crobat |
Chansey | → Level up |
Blissey |
Eevee | → Level up (daytime) |
Espeon |
Eevee | → Level up (nighttime) |
Umbreon |
Pichu | → Level up |
Pikachu |
Cleffa | → Level up |
Clefairy |
Igglybuff | → Level up |
Jigglypuff |
Togepi | → Level up |
Togetic |
Azurill | → Level up |
Marill |
Budew | → Level up (daytime) |
Roselia |
Buneary | → Level up |
Lopunny |
Chingling | → Level up (nighttime) |
Chimecho |
Munchlax | → Level up |
Snorlax |
Riolu | → Level up (daytime) |
Lucario |
Woobat | → Level up |
Swoobat |
Swadloon | → Level up |
Leavanny |
Type: Null | → Level up |
Silvally |
Snom | → Level up |
Frosmoth |