Held Items

From Generations

Pokemon held item in the Summary menu highlighted in red.

Held Items is a term used to refer to Items a Pokemon can keep holding, often sorting an effect when in battle or under a specific condition.
Interact with a Pokemon you own while holding an Held Item to assign it to the Pokemon, it is also possible to assign an item by moving it from your inventory into a Pokemon's party slot.

Not all held items are compatible with all Pokemon, sorting no effect or being rejected if assigned to the wrong species. However a restrict number of items, namely the Gracidea.pngForm Items, have the unique ability of altering the Pokemon form if held by the right species.

List of Held Items

Held Items
Utility Umbrella.png Battle Items Items that take effect in battle, granting a positive or negative effect to the holder.
Pomeg Berry.png Berries Fruits that have many uses in the Pokemon world.
Destiny Knot.png Breeding Items Items that affect the Pokemon breeding, allowing a trainer to have control over certain aspects of the offspring.
Metal Coat.png Evolution Items Items tied to certain species of Pokemon that can be used to make them evolve.
Gracidea.png Form Items Items that can alter the form of a Pokemon.
Normal Gem.png Gems Items that boost the power of the holder's damage-dealing moves of the corresponding types.
Full Incense.png Incense Items that affect the Pokemon breeding, generating a baby Pokemon if held by a specific species. They also have unrelated battle effects.
Charizardite X.png Mega Stones Items that allow compatible Pokemon to undergo Mega Evolution.
Water Memory Drive.png Memories Discs that contains data on Pokemon types.
Meadow Plate.png Plates Ancient plates that carry the power of types.
Pokemail Air.png PokeMail A curious letter that can be held by all Pokemon.
Ultranecrozium Z.png Z Crystals Items that allow a Pokemon to upgrade their moves into Z-moves.