Form Items

From Generations

Form Items


Peculiar items able to change the appearance of Pokemon.

Form Items are special Items strictly related to specific Pokemon species.

If all the conditions are met, they allow certain Pokemon to change form the moment the item is used on them or held while in battle.

In battle, a Form Item held by its respective Pokemon is not affected by moves that remove held items or held item effects, such as Trick, Knock Off, Embargo, and Magic Room.

List of Form Items

Item Base Pokemon Usage Form(s)
Rockstar Costume.png Rockstar Costume 025-cosplay.png Cosplay Pikachu Use (right-click) on a Cosplay Pikachu to change its form. 025-rockstar.png Pikachu Rock Star
Belle Costume.png Belle Costume 025-belle.png Pikachu Belle
Popstar Costume.png Popstar Costume 025-popstar.png Pikachu Pop Star
Phd Costume.png PhD Costume 025-phd.png Pikachu Ph.D.
Libre Costume.png Libre Costume 025-libre.png Pikachu Libre
Mewtwo Armor.png Mewtwo Armor 150.png Mewtwo Use (right-click) on Mewtwo to equip it. 150-armor.png Armored Mewtwo
Blue Orb.png Blue Orb 382.png Kyogre If held by Kyogre, triggers the primal reversion. 382-primal.png Primal Kyogre
Red Orb.png Red Orb 383.png Groudon If held by Groudon, triggers the primal reversion. 383-primal.png Primal Groudon
Meteorite.png Meteorite 386-normal.png Deoxys Use (right-click) on Deoxys to cycle between its forms. 386-attack.png Attack Forme
386-defense.png Defense Forme
386-speed.png Speed Forme
Rotom Catalog.png Rotom Catalog 479.png Rotom Use (right-click) on Rotom to select its form. 479-fan.png Rotom Fan
479-frost.png Rotom Frost
479-heat.png Rotom Heat
479-mow.png Rotom Mow
479-wash.png Rotom Wash
Adamant Crystal.png Adamant Crystal 483.png Dialga Use (right-click) on Dialga to alter its form. 483-origin.png Origin Forme
Lustrous Globe.png Lustrous Globe 484.png Palkia Use (right-click) on Palkia to alter its form. 484-origin.png Origin Forme
Griseous Orb.png Griseous Orb 487.png Giratina If held by Giratina, alters its form. 487-origin.png Origin Forme
Griseous Core.png Griseous Core Use (right-click) on Giratina to alter its form. 487-origin.png Origin Forme
Gracidea.png Gracidea 492.png Shaymin Use (right-click) on a Shaymin to change its form. 492-sky.png Sky Forme
Insect Plate.png
Plates 493.png Arceus If held by Arceus, alters its form. 493-bug.png493-dark.png493-dragon.png493-electric.png493-fairy.png493-fighting.png493-fire.png493-flying.png493-ghost.png493-grass.png493-ground.png493-ice.png493-poison.png493-psychic.png493-rock.png493-steel.png493-water.png Arceus
Buginium Z.png
Reveal Glass.png Reveal Glass 641-normal.png Tornadus Use (right-click) on a member of the Forces of Nature to change its form. 641-therian.png Therian Forme
642-normal.png Thundurus 642-therian.png Therian Forme
645-normal.png Landorus 645-therian.png Therian Forme
905-normal.png Enamorus 905-therian.png Therian Forme
Dna Splicers.png DNA Splicers 646.png Kyurem Use (right-click) on Kyurem with a Zekrom in the party to fuse them. 646-black.png Black Kyurem
Use (right-click) on Kyurem with a Reshiram in the party to fuse them. 646-white.png White Kyurem
Burn Drive.png Burn Drive 649.png Genesect If held by Genesect, alters the color of the Drive on its back. 649-burn.png Genesect
Chill Drive.png Chill Drive 649-chill.png
Douse Drive.png Douse Drive 649-douse.png
Shock Drive.png Shock Drive 649-shock.png
Zygarde Cube.png Zygarde Cube 718.png Zygarde If used (right-click) on a Zygarde in the party, allows to alter its form. 718-ten.png 10% Forme
718-complete.png Complete Forme*
Prison Bottle.png Prison Bottle 720.png Hoopa Use (right-click) on Hoopa to change its form temporarily. 720-unbound.png Hoopa Unbound
Pink Nectar.png Pink Nectar 741.png Oricorio Use (right-click) on Oricorio to change its form. 741-pau.png Pa'u Style
Purple Nectar.png Purple Nectar 741-sensu.png Sensu Style
Red Nectar.png Red Nectar 741-baile.png Baile Style
Yellow Nectar.png Yellow Nectar 741-pompom.png Pom-Pom Style
Bug Memory Drive.png
Memories 773.png Silvally If held by Silvally, alters its form. 773-bug.png773-dark.png773-dragon.png773-electric.png773-fairy.png773-fighting.png773-fire.png773-flying.png773-ghost.png773-grass.png773-ground.png773-ice.png773-poison.png773-psychic.png773-rock.png773-steel.png773-water.png Silvally
N Lunarizer.png N Lunarizer 800.png Necrozma Use (right-click) on Necrozma with a Lunala in the party to fuse them. 800-dawn.png Dawn Wings Necrozma
N Solarizer.png N Solarizer Use (right-click) on Necrozma with a Solgaleo in the party to fuse them. 800-dusk.png Dusk Mane Necrozma
Crowned Sword.png Crowned Sword 888.png Zacian If held by Zacian, alters its form. 888-crowned.png Zacian Crowned Sword
Crowned Shield.png Crowned Shield 889.png Zamazenta If held by Zamazenta, alters its form. 889-crowned.png Zamazenta Crowned Shield
Reins Of Unity.png Reins Of Unity 898.png Calyrex Use (right-click) on Calyrex with a Glastrier in the party to fuse them. 898-icerider.png Ice Rider Calyrex
Use (right-click) on Calyrex with a Spectrier in the party to fuse them. 898-shadowrider.png Shadow Rider Calyrex