Player Items

From Generations

Player Items

Exp Charm.png

Exp Charm.png
Unique items that unlock gameplay mechanics.

Player Items, also known as Unique Items or Key Items, are special Items that can unlock other gameplay mechanics.

Most of these items cannot be crafted or found in any way, they can only be unlocked by fulfilling specific requirements.
Once unlocked they will appear in the Equipment Bag menu, allowing a trainer to select which items they want to equip or unequip. Some equipped items will be visible on the player's character as cosmetics.

List of Player Items

Item Description
Catching Charm.png Catching Charm When held in the inventory, increases the chance of a critical catch occuring.
Dynamax Band.png Dynamax Band Unlocks the Dynamax transformation when equipped.
Exp Charm.png Exp Charm When held in the inventory, increases the amount of experience the player's party receives by 50%.
Mark Charm.png Mark Charm When held in the inventory, increases the chances of catching a Pokemon with a Mark.
Mega Bracelet.png Mega Bracelet Unlocks the Mega Evolution transformation when equipped.
Mega Charm.png Mega Charm Cosmetic alternative to the Mega Bracelet.
Mega Cuff.png Mega Cuff Cosmetic alternative to the Mega Bracelet.
Mega Ring.png Mega Ring Cosmetic alternative to the Mega Bracelet.
Uncharged Dynamax Band.png Uncharged Dynamax Band A simple cosmetic item that, if charged, unlocks the Dynamax tranformation.
Z Power Ring.png Z Power Ring Cosmetic alternative to the Z Ring.
Z Ring.png Z Ring A ring that allows Pokemon to use Z-Moves.