
From Generations


Full Incense.png

Full Incense.png
Aromatic incenses that affect a Pokemon breeding.

An Incense is a type of held item that allows to obtain Baby Pokemon eggs through breeding.

The Incense has to be held by a specific Pokemon species to take effect, or the resulting offspring will not be a baby Pokemon.
i.e. If a Ditto is holding a Px64 Full Incense.pngFull Incense, you have no chance to obtain a Munchlax egg, even if the second parent is a Snorlax.

They also have unrelated in-battle effects.

List of Incenses

Incense Effect Baby Pokemon
Full Incense.png Full Incense Forces the holder to move last in its priority bracket. 446.png Munchlax
Lax Incense.png Lax Incense Reduces the opponent's accuracy when targeting the holder. 360.png Wynaut
Luck Incense.png Luck Incense Doubles prize money received from battles when held. 440.png Happiny
Odd Incense.png Odd Incense Boosts the power of the holder's Psychic type moves. 439.png Mime Jr.
Pure Incense.png Pure Incense Lowers wild Pokemon encounter rate when held. 433.png Chingling
Rock Incense.png Rock Incense Boosts the power of the holder's Rock type moves. 438.png Bonsly
Rose Incense.png Rose Incense Boosts the power of the holder's Grass type moves. 406.png Budew
Sea Incense.png Sea Incense Boosts the power of the holder's Water type moves. 298.png Azurill
Wave Incense.png Wave Incense Boosts the power of the holder's Water type moves. 458.png Mantyke