Valuable Items

From Generations

Valuable Items

Strange Souvenir.png

Strange Souvenir.png
Items whose primary use is to be sold for money.

A Valuable is an Item which generally serves no practical purpose other than to be sold to Shopkeepers, usually for a high price.

In Generations only, certain Valuable Items can also be used as material to craft or unlock specific items.

List of Valuable Items

Item Sell value Other effects
Balm Mushroom.png
Balm Mushroom 6250Pokedollar.png
Beach Glass.png
Beach Glass -Pokedollar.png
Big Mushroom.png
Big Mushroom 2500Pokedollar.png
Big Nugget.png
Big Nugget 10000Pokedollar.png
Big Pearl.png
Big Pearl 3750Pokedollar.png
Blue Shard.png
Blue Shard 100Pokedollar.png
Chalky Stone.png
Chalky Stone -Pokedollar.png
Comet Shard.png
Comet Shard 15000Pokedollar.png Can be used to craft the N-Lunarizer
Gold Leaf.png
Gold Leaf 1000Pokedollar.png
Green Shard.png
Green Shard 100Pokedollar.png
Heart Scale.png
Heart Scale -Pokedollar.png Used as main exchange material with Move Tutor NPCs
Honey 450Pokedollar.png Can be used to craft the Max Honey
Lone Earring.png
Lone Earring -Pokedollar.png
Marble -Pokedollar.png
Max Honey.png
Max Honey 4000Pokedollar.png Can be used as a medicine, and as ingredient for a special Max Soup
Max Mushroom.png
Max Mushroom 4000Pokedollar.png Can be used as a medicine, and as main ingredient for any Max Soup
Max Powder.png
Max Powder -Pokedollar.png Can be used to craft some useful items
Nugget 5000Pokedollar.png
Odd Keystone.png
Odd Keystone -Pokedollar.png
Pearl 700Pokedollar.png
Pearl String.png
Pearl String 7500Pokedollar.png
Polished Mud Ball.png
Polished Mud Ball -Pokedollar.png
Pretty Feather.png
Pretty Feather -Pokedollar.png
Rare Bone.png
Rare Bone 2500Pokedollar.png
Red Shard.png
Red Shard 100Pokedollar.png
Relic Band.png
Relic Band 8000Pokedollar.png
Relic Copper.png
Relic Copper 1000Pokedollar.png
Relic Crown.png
Relic Crown 10000Pokedollar.png
Relic Gold.png
Relic Gold 7000Pokedollar.png
Relic Silver.png
Relic Silver 5000Pokedollar.png
Relic Statue.png
Relic Statue 9000Pokedollar.png
Relic Vase.png
Relic Vase 6000Pokedollar.png
Shoal Salt.png
Shoal Salt -Pokedollar.png Can be used to craft the Soothe Bell
Shoal Shell.png
Shoal Shell -Pokedollar.png Can be used to craft the Soothe Bell
Silver Leaf.png
Silver Leaf 500Pokedollar.png
Slowpoke Tail.png
Slowpoke Tail 4000Pokedollar.png
Star Piece.png
Star Piece 4900Pokedollar.png Can be used to craft the N-Solarizer
Stardust 1500Pokedollar.png
Strange Souvenir.png
Strange Souvenir 1500Pokedollar.png
Stretchy Spring.png
Stretchy Spring -Pokedollar.png
Tiny Mushroom.png
Tiny Mushroom 250Pokedollar.png Can be used to craft the Max Mushroom
Totem Sticker.png
Totem Sticker -Pokedollar.png Used as main exchange material with Sticker NPCs
Tropical Shell.png
Tropical Shell -Pokedollar.png
Yellow Shard.png
Yellow Shard 100Pokedollar.png
Wishing Star.png
Wishing Star -Pokedollar.png Unlocks the Dynamax Band if held in the player's inventory while right-clicking an Uncharged Dynamax Band.