Ultra Beasts
Ultra Beasts, to not confuse with the Legendary Pokemon, is a group of incredibly rare Pokemon with very high base stat totals. They only spawn in Ultra Space dimension, each in its own dedicated biome.
They are all characterized by a special code name assigned by Ultra Recon Squad, as well as by the unique ability Beast Boost.
Similarly to Legendary Pokemon, Ultra Beasts cannot breed and are always guaranteed to have a minimum of 3 Perfect IV stats.
A server-wide annoucement reading <Ultrabeast name> has spawned in <Biome name> biome!
will be displayed in chat when an Ultra Beast spawns.
Due to their extra-dimensional origin, they have a natural resistance against most Poke Balls reducing their catch rate effectiveness to a 0.1x multiplier; the only exception is represented by Poke Balls that guarantee the catch, such as the
Master Ball.
Opposite, the Beast Ball, that has a bare 0.1x multiplier on normal Pokemon, has a 5x catch effectiveness when used on an Ultra Beast.
Of the 11 Ultra Beasts only 9 can spawn in the wild, Poipole, and so Naganadel can only be obtained by satisfying a quest given by the Ultra NPC.
List of Ultra Beasts
Pokemon | Code Name | Spawn Conditions | |||
Biome | Weather | Time | Location | ||
Nihilego | UB-01 Symbiont | Ultra Deep Sea | All | All | Land |
Buzzwole | UB-02 Absorption | Ultra Jungle | All | All | Land |
Pheromosa | UB-02 Beauty | Ultra Desert | All | All | Land |
Xurkitree | UB-03 Lighting | Ultra Plant | All | All | Land |
Celesteela | UB-04 Blaster | Ultra Dark Forest | All | All | Land |
Kartana | UB-04 Blade | Ultra Forest | All | All | Land |
Guzzlord | UB-05 Glutton | Ultra Ruin | All | All | Land |
Poipole | UB Adhesive | — | — | — | Summoning Poipole |
Naganadel | UB Stinger | — | — | — | Evolution |
Stakataka | UB Assembly | Ultra Swamp | All | All | Land |
Blacephalon | UB Burst | Ultra Burst | All | All | Land |