Evolution Items

From Generations

Evolution Items

Fire Stone.png

Fire Stone.png
Items that react with certain species, causing their evolution.

Evolution Items are Items tied to certain species of Pokemon that can be used to make them evolve.

They will only take effect under specific conditions, such as:

- when the Trainer uses them (right-click) on the Pokemon,
- when held by the Pokemon while leveling up,
- when held by a traded Pokemon.

The form the Pokemon will take after the evolution can also depend on the current daytime or the state the Trainer is in (i.e. Alcremie Sweets).

List of Evolution Items

Item Description
Berry Sweet.png Berry Sweet A berry-shaped sweet. If used (right-click) on Milcery, evolves it into Alcremie.
Clover Sweet.png Clover Sweet A clover-shaped sweet. If used (right-click) on Milcery, evolves it into Alcremie.
Flower Sweet.png Flower Sweet A flower-shaped sweet. If used (right-click) on Milcery, evolves it into Alcremie.
Love Sweet.png Love Sweet A heart-shaped sweet. If used (right-click) on Milcery, evolves it into Alcremie.
Ribbon Sweet.png Ribbon Sweet A ribbon-shaped sweet. If used (right-click) on Milcery, evolves it into Alcremie.
Star Sweet.png Star Sweet A star-shaped sweet. If used (right-click) on Milcery, evolves it into Alcremie.
Strawberry Sweet.png Strawberry Sweet A strawberry-shaped sweet. If used (right-click) on Milcery, evolves it into Alcremie.
Black Augurite.png Black Augurite Used (right-click) on Scyther to evolve it into Kleavor.
Chipped Pot.png Chipped Pot Used (right-click) on Antique Sinistea to evolve it into Polteageist.
Cracked Pot.png Cracked Pot Used (right-click) on Phony Sinistea to evolve it into Polteageist.
Deep Sea Scale.png Deep Sea Scale If held by Clamperl while being traded, evolves it into Gorebyss.
Deep Sea Tooth.png Deep Sea Tooth If held by Clamperl while being traded, evolves it into Huntail.
Dragon Scale.png Dragon Scale If held by Seadra while being traded, evolves it into Kingdra.
Dubious Disc.png Dubious Disc If held by Porygon2 while being traded, evolves it into Porygon-Z.
Electirizer.png Electirizer If held by Electabuzz while being traded, evolves it into Electivire.
Galarica Cuff.png Galarica Cuff Used (right-click) on Galarian Slowpoke to evolve it into Galarian Slowbro.
Galarica Wreath.png Galarica Wreath Used (right-click) on Galarian Slowpoke to evolve it into Galarian Slowking.
Kings Rock.png King's Rock Evolves certain Pokemon if held while being traded.
Link Cable.png Link Cable Extremely rare item. Can be used (right-click) to evolve all Pokemon that evolve by trading.
Magmarizer.png Magmarizer If held by Magmar while being traded, evolves it into Magmortar.
Metal Coat.png Metal Coat Evolves certain Pokemon if held while being traded.
Oval Stone.png Oval Stone If held by Happiny while leveling up during the day, evolves it into Chansey.
Peat Block.png Peat Block Can only be used at night. Used (right-click) on Ursaring to evolve it into Ursaluna.
Prism Scale.png Prism Scale If held by Feebas while being traded, evolves it into Milotic.
Protector.png Protector If held by Rhydon while being traded, evolves it into Rhyperior.
Razor Claw.png Razor Claw Evolves certain Pokemon if held while leveling up.
Razor Fang.png Razor Fang If held by Gligar while leveling up during the night, evolves it into Gliscor.
Reaper Cloth.png Reaper Cloth If held by Dusclops while being traded, evolves it into Dusknoir.
Sachet.png Sachet If held by Spritzee while being traded, evolves it into Aromatisse.
Sweet Apple.png Sweet Apple Used (right-click) on Applin to evolve it into Appletun.
Tart Apple.png Tart Apple Used (right-click) on Applin to evolve it into Flapple.
Up Grade.png Upgrade If held by Porygon while being traded, evolves it into Porygon2.
Whipped Dream.png Whipped Dream If held by Swirlix while being traded, evolves it into Slurpuff.

Evolution Stones

Item Description
Dawn Stone.png Dawn Stone A stone that emanates a faint sparkle, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.
Dusk Stone.png Dusk Stone A stone brimming with darkness, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.
Fire Stone.png Fire Stone A stone embued with the power of fire, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.
Ice Stone.png Ice Stone A stone embued with the power of ice, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.
Leaf Stone.png Leaf Stone A stone embued with the power of grass, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.
Moon Stone.png Moon Stone A stone that is believed to originate from space, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.
Shiny Stone.png Shiny Stone A very shiny stone, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.
Sun Stone.png Sun Stone An odd stone that glows with sunny warmth, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.
Thunder Stone.png Thunder Stone A stone embued with the power of thunder, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.
Water Stone.png Water Stone A stone embued with the power of water, can be used (right-click) on a Pokemon to evolve it.


Main article: Gems
Item Description
Dark Gem.png Dark Gem If held by a Pokemon while leveling up, evolves it into its regional form.
Fighting Gem.png Fighting Gem If held by a Pokemon while leveling up, evolves it into its regional form.
Ghost Gem.png Ghost Gem If held by a Pokemon while leveling up, evolves it into its regional form.
Psychic Gem.png Psychic Gem If held by a Pokemon while leveling up, evolves it into its regional form.
Rock Gem.png Rock Gem If held by a Pokemon while leveling up, evolves it into its regional form.
Steel Gem.png Steel Gem If held by a Pokemon while leveling up, evolves it into its regional form.