From Generations
Unused | |||
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Currently unused items |
The following items are currently not used in-game, and have no function. Items on this are subject to change and receive a usage in the future, but many are generally available for purely content creators to freely use-- such as being used in servers or map-making.
Generally, items that have a functional use in the core series will likely be given a function in Generation. However, items such as Keys/Cards, Tickets/Passes, Cases (aside from TM Case), etc are unlikely to receive a function in Generations and can be mostly considered safe to do as you please with.
List of Unused Items
Likely to be Used | |||||||
X Accuracy 2 | X Accuracy 3 | X Accuracy 6 | X Attack 2 | X Attack 3 | X Attack 6 | X Defense 2 | X Defense 3 |
X Defense 6 | X Special Attack 2 | X Special Attack 3 | X Special Attack 6 | X Special Defense 2 | X Special Defense 3 | X Special Defense 6 | X Speed 2 |
X Speed 3 | X Speed 6 | X Transceiver Blue | X Transceiver Red | X Transceiver Yellow | Totem Sticker | Blue Scarf | Green Scarf |
Pink Scarf | Yellow Scarf | Blue Sphere | Green Sphere | Pale Sphere | Prism Sphere | Red Sphere | Silver Nanab Berry |
Silver Pinap Berry | Silver Razz Berry | Golden Nanab Berry | Golden Pinap Berry | Golden Razz Berry | Courage Candy | Courage Candy L | Courage Candy Xl |
Health Candy | Health Candy L | Health Candy Xl | Mighty Candy | Mighty Candy L | Mighty Candy Xl | Quick Candy | Quick Candy L |
Quick Candy Xl | Smart Candy | Smart Candy L | Smart Candy Xl | Tough Candy | Tough Candy L | Tough Candy Xl | Wishing Chip |
Wishing Piece | Armorite Ore | Azure Flute | Eon Flute | Eon Ticket | Poke Flute | Sinnoh Stone | Unova Stone |
Tidal Bell | Clear Bell | Dire Hit 2 | Dire Hit 3 | Vs Recorder | Vs Seeker | Silph Scope | Rainbow Flower |
Poke Radar | Lunar Feather | Old Charm | Super Lure | Max Lure | Lure | Discount Coupon | Wooden Crown |
Legendary Clue | Roto Bargain | Roto Boost | Roto Catch | Roto Encounter | Roto Exp Points | Roto Friendship | Roto Hatch |
Roto Hp Restore | Roto Pp Restore | Roto Prize Money | Roto Stealth | Pewter Crunchies | |||
Unlikely to be Used | |||||||
Ability Urge | Adventure Guide | Apricorn Box | Aqua Suit | Armor Pass | Aurora Ticket | Autograph | Band Autograph |
Basement Key 1 | Basement Key 2 | Berry Planter | Berry Pouch | Bike Voucher | Blue Card | Camping Gear | Card Key 1 |
Card Key 2 | Carrot Seeds | Coin | Coin Case | Colress Machine | Common Stone | Contest Costume 1 | Contest Costume 2 |
Contest Pass | Coupon 1 | Coupon 2 | Coupon 3 | Crown Pass | Data Cards | Devon Parts | Devon Scope |
Devon Scuba Gear | Dowsing Machine 1 | Dowsing Machine 2 | Dowsing Mchn | Dragon Skull | Dropped Item Red | Dropped Item Yellow | Elevator Key |
Endorsement | Explorer Kit | Fame Checker | Fashion Case | Festival Ticket | Forage Bag | Galactic Key | Go Goggles |
Gold Teeth | Gram | Green Tea | Grubby Hanky | Holo Caster 1 | Holo Caster 2 | Honor Of Kalos | Intriguing Stone |
Item Urge | Journal | Key Stone 2 | Key To Room 1 | Key To Room 2 | Key To Room 4 | Key To Room 6 | Leaf Letter |
Lens Case | Letter | Liberty Pass | Lift Key | Lock Capsule 1 | Lock Capsule 2 | Looker Ticket | Loot Sack |
Lost Item 1 | Lost Item 2 | Machine Part | Magma Emblem | Magma Suit | Makeup Bag | Medal Box | Member Card |
Mystic Ticket | Oaks Letter | Oaks Parcel | Old Letter | Old Sea Map | Pair Of Tickets | Pal Pad | Pass |
Pass Orb | Permit | Item Drop | Plasma Card | Poffin | Poffin Case | Point Card | Pokeblock Case |
Pokeblock Kit | Poketch Blue | Poketch Red | Powder Jar | Power Plant Pass | Professors Mask | Profs Letter | Prop Case |
Rainbow Pass | Red Scale | Reset Urge | Ride Pager | Roller Skates | Rule Book | Scanner | Seal Bag |
Seal Case | Secret Key 1 | Secret Key 2 | Secret Medicine | Sonias Book | Soot Sack | Ss Ticket | Storage Key 1 |
Storage Key 2 | Style Card | Suite Key | Teachy Tv | Tm Case | Tm Material | Tmv Pass | Town Map 1 |
Town Map 2 | Town Map 3 | Travel Trunk 1 | Travel Trunk 2 | Tri Pass | Unown Report | Works Key | Galarica Twig |