Tools Armor

From Generations

Tools Armor

Crystal Sword.png

Crystal Sword.png
Tools and Armors inspired by the Pokemon world.

List of Tool/Armor Sets

No Set

Item Description
Wooden Hammer.png Wooden Hammer Hammer version of the Wood Minecraft set.
Stone Hammer.png Stone Hammer Hammer version of the Stone Minecraft set.
Iron Hammer.png Iron Hammer Hammer version of the Iron Minecraft set.
Golden Hammer.png Golden Hammer Hammer version of the Gold Minecraft set.
Diamond Hammer.png Diamond Hammer Hammer version of the Diamond Minecraft set.
Netherite Hammer.png Netherite Hammer Hammer version of the Netherite Minecraft set.

Tool Sets

Set Sword Pickaxe Axe Shovel Hoe Hammer Additional effect
Amethyst set
Amethyst Sword.png
Amethyst Sword
Amethyst Pickaxe.png
Amethyst Pickaxe
Amethyst Axe.png
Amethyst Axe
Amethyst Shovel.png
Amethyst Shovel
Amethyst Hoe.png
Amethyst Hoe
Amethyst Hammer.png
Amethyst Hammer
Charge Stone.png
Charge Stone set
Charge Stone Sword.png
Charge Stone Sword
Charge Stone Pickaxe.png
Charge Stone Pickaxe
Charge Stone Axe.png
Charge Stone Axe
Charge Stone Shovel.png
Charge Stone Shovel
Charge Stone Hoe.png
Charge Stone Hoe
Charge Stone Hammer.png
Charge Stone Hammer
Crystal set
Crystal Sword.png
Crystal Sword
Crystal Pickaxe.png
Crystal Pickaxe
Crystal Axe.png
Crystal Axe
Crystal Shovel.png
Crystal Shovel
Crystal Hoe.png
Crystal Hoe
Crystal Hammer.png
Crystal Hammer
Dawn Stone.png
Dawn Stone set
Dawn Stone Sword.png
Dawn Stone Sword
Dawn Stone Pickaxe.png
Dawn Stone Pickaxe
Dawn Stone Axe.png
Dawn Stone Axe
Dawn Stone Shovel.png
Dawn Stone Shovel
Dawn Stone Hoe.png
Dawn Stone Hoe
Dawn Stone Hammer.png
Dawn Stone Hammer
Dusk Stone.png
Dusk Stone set
Dusk Stone Sword.png
Dusk Stone Sword
Dusk Stone Pickaxe.png
Dusk Stone Pickaxe
Dusk Stone Axe.png
Dusk Stone Axe
Dusk Stone Shovel.png
Dusk Stone Shovel
Dusk Stone Hoe.png
Dusk Stone Hoe
Dusk Stone Hammer.png
Dusk Stone Hammer
Fire Stone.png
Fire Stone set
Fire Stone Sword.png
Fire Stone Sword
Fire Stone Pickaxe.png
Fire Stone Pickaxe
Fire Stone Axe.png
Fire Stone Axe
Fire Stone Shovel.png
Fire Stone Shovel
Fire Stone Hoe.png
Fire Stone Hoe
Fire Stone Hammer.png
Fire Stone Hammer
Ice Stone.png
Ice Stone set
Ice Stone Sword.png
Ice Stone Sword
Ice Stone Pickaxe.png
Ice Stone Pickaxe
Ice Stone Axe.png
Ice Stone Axe
Ice Stone Shovel.png
Ice Stone Shovel
Ice Stone Hoe.png
Ice Stone Hoe
Ice Stone Hammer.png
Ice Stone Hammer
Leaf Stone.png
Leaf Stone set
Leaf Stone Sword.png
Leaf Stone Sword
Leaf Stone Pickaxe.png
Leaf Stone Pickaxe
Leaf Stone Axe.png
Leaf Stone Axe
Leaf Stone Shovel.png
Leaf Stone Shovel
Leaf Stone Hoe.png
Leaf Stone Hoe
Leaf Stone Hammer.png
Leaf Stone Hammer
Moon Stone.png
Moon Stone set
Moon Stone Sword.png
Moon Stone Sword
Moon Stone Pickaxe.png
Moon Stone Pickaxe
Moon Stone Axe.png
Moon Stone Axe
Moon Stone Shovel.png
Moon Stone Shovel
Moon Stone Hoe.png
Moon Stone Hoe
Moon Stone Hammer.png
Moon Stone Hammer
Ruby set
Ruby Sword.png
Ruby Sword
Ruby Pickaxe.png
Ruby Pickaxe
Ruby Axe.png
Ruby Axe
Ruby Shovel.png
Ruby Shovel
Ruby Hoe.png
Ruby Hoe
Ruby Hammer.png
Ruby Hammer
Sapphire set
Sapphire Sword.png
Sapphire Sword
Sapphire Pickaxe.png
Sapphire Pickaxe
Sapphire Axe.png
Sapphire Axe
Sapphire Shovel.png
Sapphire Shovel
Sapphire Hoe.png
Sapphire Hoe
Sapphire Hammer.png
Sapphire Hammer
Silicon set
Silicon Sword.png
Silicon Sword
Silicon Pickaxe.png
Silicon Pickaxe
Silicon Axe.png
Silicon Axe
Silicon Shovel.png
Silicon Shovel
Silicon Hoe.png
Silicon Hoe
Silicon Hammer.png
Silicon Hammer
Sun Stone.png
Sun Stone set
Sun Stone Sword.png
Sun Stone Sword
Sun Stone Pickaxe.png
Sun Stone Pickaxe
Sun Stone Axe.png
Sun Stone Axe
Sun Stone Shovel.png
Sun Stone Shovel
Sun Stone Hoe.png
Sun Stone Hoe
Sun Stone Hammer.png
Sun Stone Hammer
Thunder Stone.png
Thunder Stone set
Thunder Stone Sword.png
Thunder Stone Sword
Thunder Stone Pickaxe.png
Thunder Stone Pickaxe
Thunder Stone Axe.png
Thunder Stone Axe
Thunder Stone Shovel.png
Thunder Stone Shovel
Thunder Stone Hoe.png
Thunder Stone Hoe
Thunder Stone Hammer.png
Thunder Stone Hammer
Volcanic Stone.png
Volcanic Stone set
Volcanic Stone Sword.png
Volcanic Stone Sword
Volcanic Stone Pickaxe.png
Volcanic Stone Pickaxe
Volcanic Stone Axe.png
Volcanic Stone Axe
Volcanic Stone Shovel.png
Volcanic Stone Shovel
Volcanic Stone Hoe.png
Volcanic Stone Hoe
Volcanic Stone Hammer.png
Volcanic Stone Hammer
Water Stone.png
Water Stone set
Water Stone Sword.png
Water Stone Sword
Water Stone Pickaxe.png
Water Stone Pickaxe
Water Stone Axe.png
Water Stone Axe
Water Stone Shovel.png
Water Stone Shovel
Water Stone Hoe.png
Water Stone Hoe
Water Stone Hammer.png
Water Stone Hammer

Armor Sets

Set Helmet Chestplate Leggings Boots Full set effect
armor set
Aether Helmet.png
Aether Helmet
Aether Chestplate.png
Aether Chestplate
Aether Leggings.png
Aether Leggings
Aether Boots.png
Aether Boots
armor set
Aqua Helmet.png
Aqua Helmet
Aqua Chestplate.png
Aqua Chestplate
Aqua Leggings.png
Aqua Leggings
Aqua Boots.png
Aqua Boots
armor set
Crystal Helmet.png
Crystal Helmet
Crystal Chestplate.png
Crystal Chestplate
Crystal Leggings.png
Crystal Leggings
Crystal Boots.png
Crystal Boots
Protects from Ultra Space lethal atmosphere at the cost of some durability, and applies a permanent Speed 1 effect to the player (over the 10% speed boost already given by the Crystal Boots).
Can be mixed with the Ultra armor set.
Dawn Stone
armor set
Dawn Stone Helmet.png
Dawn Stone Helmet
Dawn Stone Chestplate.png
Dawn Stone Chestplate
Dawn Stone Leggings.png
Dawn Stone Leggings
Dawn Stone Boots.png
Dawn Stone Boots
Dusk Stone
armor set
Dusk Stone Helmet.png
Dusk Stone Helmet
Dusk Stone Chestplate.png
Dusk Stone Chestplate
Dusk Stone Leggings.png
Dusk Stone Leggings
Dusk Stone Boots.png
Dusk Stone Boots
Fire Stone
armor set
Fire Stone Helmet.png
Fire Stone Helmet
Fire Stone Chestplate.png
Fire Stone Chestplate
Fire Stone Leggings.png
Fire Stone Leggings
Fire Stone Boots.png
Fire Stone Boots
armor set
Flare Helmet.png
Flare Helmet
Flare Chestplate.png
Flare Chestplate
Flare Leggings.png
Flare Leggings
Flare Boots.png
Flare Boots
armor set
Galactic Helmet.png
Galactic Helmet
Galactic Chestplate.png
Galactic Chestplate
Galactic Leggings.png
Galactic Leggings
Galactic Boots.png
Galactic Boots
Ice Stone
armor set
Ice Stone Helmet.png
Ice Stone Helmet
Ice Stone Chestplate.png
Ice Stone Chestplate
Ice Stone Leggings.png
Ice Stone Leggings
Ice Stone Boots.png
Ice Stone Boots
Leaf Stone
armor set
Leaf Stone Helmet.png
Leaf Stone Helmet
Leaf Stone Chestplate.png
Leaf Stone Chestplate
Leaf Stone Leggings.png
Leaf Stone Leggings
Leaf Stone Boots.png
Leaf Stone Boots
armor set
Magma Helmet.png
Magma Helmet
Magma Chestplate.png
Magma Chestplate
Magma Leggings.png
Magma Leggings
Magma Boots.png
Magma Boots
Moon Stone
armor set
Moon Stone Helmet.png
Moon Stone Helmet
Moon Stone Chestplate.png
Moon Stone Chestplate
Moon Stone Leggings.png
Moon Stone Leggings
Moon Stone Boots.png
Moon Stone Boots
Neo Plasma
armor set
Neo Plasma Helmet.png
Neo Plasma Helmet
Neo Plasma Chestplate.png
Neo Plasma Chestplate
Neo Plasma Leggings.png
Neo Plasma Leggings
Neo Plasma Boots.png
Neo Plasma Boots
armor set
Plasma Helmet.png
Plasma Helmet
Plasma Chestplate.png
Plasma Chestplate
Plasma Leggings.png
Plasma Leggings
Plasma Boots.png
Plasma Boots
armor set
Rocket Helmet.png
Rocket Helmet
Rocket Chestplate.png
Rocket Chestplate
Rocket Leggings.png
Rocket Leggings
Rocket Boots.png
Rocket Boots
armor set
Skull Helmet.png
Skull Helmet
Skull Chestplate.png
Skull Chestplate
Skull Leggings.png
Skull Leggings
Skull Boots.png
Skull Boots
Sun Stone
armor set
Sun Stone Helmet.png
Sun Stone Helmet
Sun Stone Chestplate.png
Sun Stone Chestplate
Sun Stone Leggings.png
Sun Stone Leggings
Sun Stone Boots.png
Sun Stone Boots
Thunder Stone
armor set
Thunder Stone Helmet.png
Thunder Stone Helmet
Thunder Stone Chestplate.png
Thunder Stone Chestplate
Thunder Stone Leggings.png
Thunder Stone Leggings
Thunder Stone Boots.png
Thunder Stone Boots
armor set
Ultra Helmet.png
Ultra Helmet
Ultra Chestplate.png
Ultra Chestplate
Ultra Leggings.png
Ultra Leggings
Ultra Boots.png
Ultra Boots
Protects from Ultra Space lethal atmosphere indefinitely, and applies a permanent Speed 1 effect to the player (over the 25% speed boost already given by the Ultra Boots).
Can be mixed with the Crystal armor set.
Water Stone
armor set
Water Stone Helmet.png
Water Stone Helmet
Water Stone Chestplate.png
Water Stone Chestplate
Water Stone Leggings.png
Water Stone Leggings
Water Stone Boots.png
Water Stone Boots