Summoning Legendaries

From Generations

Summoning a Legendary Pokemon typically involves obtaining an Item, satisfying a certain requirement with said item, and then interacting with a Shrine; however there are plenty of exceptions.
If you are looking for a Legendary that does not appear in this list, it typically means they only spawn naturally; there can be sporadic exceptions such as Silvally, only obtained by evolving a Type: Null.

Legendary Requirements Shrine Summoning Guide
144.png Articuno
Melody Flute.png
Melody Flute
Icy Wing.png
Icy Wing
Frozen Shrine.png
Frozen Shrine
Summoning Legendary Birds
144-galarian.png Galarian Articuno
Elegant Wing.png
Elegant Wing
145.png Zapdos
Static Wing.png
Static Wing
Static Shrine.png
Static Shrine
Galarian Zapdos
Belligerent Wing.png
Belligerent Wing
146.png Moltres
Fiery Wing.png
Fiery Wing
Fiery Shrine.png
Fiery Shrine
146-galarian.png Galarian Moltres
Sinister Wing.png
Sinister Wing
150.png Mewtwo Mew Fossil.png Mew Fossil

Mew Dna Fiber.png Mew DNA Fiber
Orb.png Orb

RKS Machine.png
RKS Machine
Summoning Mewtwo
243.png Raikou
Sacred Ash.png
Sacred Ash
Raikou Statue.png
Raikou Statue
Summoning Legendary Beasts
244.png Entei
Entei Statue.png
Entei Statue
245.png Suicune
Suicune Statue.png
Suicune Statue
249.png Lugia
Melody Flute.png
Melody Flute
Silver Wing.png
Silver Wing
Lugia Shrine.png
Lugia Shrine
Summoning Tower Duo
250.png Ho-Oh
Rainbow Wing.png
Rainbow Wing
Ho Oh Shrine.png
Ho Oh Shrine
251.png Celebi
Time Glass.png
Time Glass
Summoning Celebi
377.png Regirock
Rock Peak Key.png
Rock Peak Key
Regirock Shrine.png
Regirock Shrine
Summoning Legendary Titans
378.png Regice
Iceberg Key.png
Iceberg Key
Regice Shrine.png
Regice Shrine
379.png Registeel
Iron Key.png
Iron Key
Registeel Shrine.png
Registeel Shrine
894.png Regieleki
Eleki Key.png
Eleki Key
Regieleki Shrine.png
Regieleki Shrine
895.png Regidrago
Drago Key.png
Drago Key
Regidrago Shrine.png
Regidrago Shrine
380.png Latias
Enigma Stone.png
Enigma Stone
Summoning Eon Duo
381.png Latios
382.png Kyogre
Faded Blue Orb.png
Faded Blue Orb
Kyogre Shrine.png
Kyogre Shrine
Summoning Weather Trio
383.png Groudon
Faded Red Orb.png
Faded Red Orb
Groudon Shrine.png
Groudon Shrine
384.png Rayquaza
Faded Jade Orb.png
Faded Jade Orb
386.png Deoxys
Summoning Deoxys
480.png Uxie
Ruby Rod.png
Ruby Rod
Crystal of Knowledge.png
Crystal of Knowledge
Summoning Lake Guardians
481.png Mesprit
Crystal of Emotion.png
Crystal of Emotion
482.png Azelf
Crystal of Willpower.png
Crystal of Willpower
483.png Dialga
Red Chain.png
Red Chain
Adamant Orb.png
Adamant Orb
Timespace Altar.png
Timespace Altar
Summoning Creation Trio
484.png Palkia
Lustrous Orb.png
Lustrous Orb
487.png Giratina
Griseous Orb.png
Griseous Orb
485.png Heatran
Magma Crystal.png
Magma Crystal
Summoning Heatran
486.png Regigigas Regirock Orb.png Regice Orb.png Registeel Orb.png Regieleki Orb.png Regidrago Orb.png

Regirock Orb + Regice Orb + Registeel Orb + Regieleki Orb + Regidrago Orb

Regigigas Shrine.png
Regigigas Shrine
Summoning Regigigas
488.png Cresselia
Light Crystal.png
Light Crystal
Lunar Shrine.png
Lunar Shrine
Summoning Lunar Duo
491.png Darkrai
Dark Crystal.png
Dark Crystal
489.png Phione
Wonder Egg.png
Wonder Egg
Phione Egg.png
Phione Egg
RKS Machine.png
RKS Machine
Summoning Sea Guardians
490.png Manaphy
641.png Tornadus
Reveal Glass.png
Reveal Glass
Abundant Shrine.png
Abundant Shrine
Summoning Forces of Nature
642.png Thundurus
645.png Landorus
905.png Enamorus
643.png Reshiram
Light Stone.png
Light Stone
Tao Trio Shrine.png
Tao Trio Shrine
Summoning Tao Trio
644.png Zekrom
Dark Stone.png
Dark Stone
646.png Kyurem
Dragon Stone
Dragon Stone
648.png Meloetta
Relic Song.png
Relic Song
Meloetta Music Box.png
Meloetta Music Box
Summoning Meloetta
718.png Zygarde Zygarde Cells
Zygarde Cube.png
Zygarde Cube
Summoning Zygarde
720.png Hoopa
Hoopa Ring.png
Hoopa Rings
Prison Bottle Stem.png
Prison Bottle Stem
Summoning Hoopa
772.png Type: Null Netherite Ingot.png
RKS Machine.png
RKS Machine
Summoning Type: Null
785.png Tapu Koko
Sparkling Stone.png
Sparkling Stone
Tapu Shrine.png
Tapu Shrine
Summoning Guardian Deities
786.png Tapu Lele
787.png Tapu Bulu
788.png Tapu Fini
801.png Magearna
Soul Heart.png
Soul Heart
RKS Machine.png
RKS Machine
Summoning Magearna
809.png Melmetal
Meltan Box.png
Meltan Box
Evolving Meltan
888.png Zacian
Rusty Sword.png
Rusty Sword
Summoning Hero Duo
889.png Zamazenta
Rusty Shield.png
Rusty Shield
891.png Kubfu
Secret Armor Scroll.png
Secret Armor Scroll
Summoning Kubfu
896.png Glastrier
Iceroot Carrot.png
Iceroot Carrot
Summoning Steed Duo
897.png Spectrier
Shaderoot Carrot.png
Shaderoot Carrot