Pokemon Types
Types are properties that are assigned to Pokemon and moves. There are a total of 18 Types, listed in the box to the right.
Generations classifies each type by an univocal ID, from 00 to 18, to simplify their usage in commands and sidemod-making.
A Pokemon can have one or two Types (or none, if subjected to effects like Burn Up, moves can only have one Type.
In extremely rare cases, only during battle, a Pokemon can also gain a third Type (i.e. a dual-type Pokemon affected by Forest's Curse will also obtain the Grass-type).
There is also a 19th unofficial Type, the ???-type (or Mystery-type).
If a Pokemon uses a damaging move that matches one of its Types, the move will gain a 1.5× damage multiplier known as STAB (same-type attack bonus).
Type Effectiveness
Damaging moves may also vary in Effectiveness depending on the move's Type and the Type(s) of its target.
The Effectiveness between Types is showed in the chart below:
- Super Effective, identified by a Green Plus File:Px64 Green Plus.png has a 2x Effectiveness;
- Not Very Effective, identified by a Red Minus File:Px64 Red Minus.png has a ½x Effectiveness;
- Not Effective, identified by a Black Cross File:Px64 Black X.png has an Immunity and would deal no damage.
The Type Effectiveness stacks multiplicatively. For example, against a Charizard, a Fire/Flying type:
- File:Px64 Red Minus.png Bug-type has ½× effectiveness against both Fire and Flying, so the multiplier would be reduced to ¼×.
- File:Px64 Red Minus.png Steel-type has ½× effectiveness against Fire and 1× effectiveness against Flying, so the multiplier would remain ½x.
- File:Px64 Green Plus.png Water-type has 2× effectiveness against Fire and 1× effectiveness against Flying , so the multiplier would remain 2×.
- File:Px64 Green Plus.png Rock-type has 2× effectiveness against both Fire and Flying, so the multiplier would become 4×.
- File:Px64 Black X.png Ground-type has 2× effectiveness against Fire but 0× effectiveness against Flying, so the multiplier would become 0× and the move would deal no damage.
Type Effectiveness usually has no effect on Status moves, however there are some exceptions to this rule: for example Thunder Wave has no effect on Ground-type Pokemon, even if it is not a damaging move.