Legendary Groups
From Generations
File:Legendary Trio.png
Image of the Tao trio in the anime.
A Legendary Group is a group of closely related Legendary or Mythical Pokemon.
Legendaries in the same group often possess similar Summoning mechanics, requiring either the same shrine or items connected by the same lore.
To make an example, to invoke the #Legendary Birds the player is required to recharge a Flute infused with a certain Wing.
Some groups have also a more iconic Pokemon, known as Master, that is often not considered as part of the group and rarely shares a similar summoning mechanic as its members.
Many Legendary Pokemon are not part of a group, so they will not appear in this list. It is still possible for them to be connected in some way to the legendaries listed here.
Legendary Birds
- The Legendary Birds, also known as Winged Mirages or Legendary Wings, is a group of Legendary Pokemon said to affect the weather of the world based on their moods.
The flaps of their wings are the source and cradle of all oceans, meaning they are closely bound to the guardian of the seas, Lugia. When the birds fight over territory, Lugia is the only Pokemon that can quell their ceaseless fighting.
They all seem to respond to the melody of an ancient flute, but only if it has been infused with the power of the legendary.
Legendary Birds
Mew Duo
- The Mew Duo is a pair of Legendary Pokemon considered the epitome of stability and instability.
They are known to share the same DNA, being one the clone of the other. It is in fact impossible to encounter a wild Mewtwo, it can only be generated through genetic engineering.
Legendary Beasts
- The Legendary Beasts is a group of Legendary Pokemon that were once ordinary dogs.
It is said they found themselves trapped inside a burning tower, dying engulfed by the flames. Ho-Oh, taking pity on them, brought the nameless Pokemon back to life, giving birth to the Legend.
After roaming the land for centuries they returned to the burnt tower and sealed themselves into a stone chrysalis, waiting for their long lost Master return.
Tower Duo
- The Tower Duo is a pair of Legendary Pokemon often considered as polar opposites.
The guardian of the seas and the guardian of the skies are known to be each master of its own trio. Legends connect them with a majestic ten-story tower. When the tower burned down both legendaries fled, Lugia went to the bottom of the sea and fell in a deep slumber while Ho-Oh started wandering through the world's skies in search of a pure-hearted Trainer.
Legendary Titans
- The Legendary Titans, also known as Legendary Giants, Regi or Legendary Golems, is a group of Legendary Pokemon created from inanimated objects.
They were shaped by their Master, Regigigas, in its own image. These legends, deemed too powerful to be tamed, were once sealed away in a certain temple. Solving an ancient riddle seems to be the only way to free them from their prison.
Eon Duo
- The Eon Duo, also known as Lati@s, is a pair of Legendary Pokemon that appear in the skies of the Hoenn region. Unlike many other legendary groups, Latios and Latias each have genders, and they share the same types and abilities.
They can be often spotted together, speeding through the sky in the constant search of a peculiar stone.
Weather Trio
- The Weather Trio, also known as Super-Ancient Pokemon, is a group of Legendary Pokemon that rules over the weather.
Each of them has dominion on a different elemental sphere, Kyogre over the hydrosphere, Groudon over the lithosphere, and Rayquaza over the atmosphere.
It is not rare to find Groudon and Kyogre fight for prevalence, generating terrible cataclysms as they battle each other. Only their Master, Rayquaza, is capable of quelling a confrontation between the two angered Pokemon.
Lake Guardians
- The Lake Guardians, also known as Lake Trio, is a group of Legendary Pokemon meant to represent knowledge, emotion, and willpower.
They were generated by Arceus, their Master, and given the unique power to calm and control the enraged Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.
Traces of their crystallized power can be found in almost every water pond.
Creation Trio
- The Creation Trio, also known as Deity Trio or Dragon Trio, is a group of Legendary Pokemon that is responsible for keeping the balance in the universe.
They were generated by Arceus, their Master, when the universe began and were given control over the three dimensions: space, time and antimatter.
It is said they are able to open space time rifts, but it is unclear whether anyone has really witnessed such power.
Lunar Duo
- The Lunar Duo, also known as Subconscious Duo, is a pair of Legendary Pokemon often considered as polar opposites.
They are said to only come out at specific moon phases, altering people dreams to accumulate power. Darkrai is well known for casting terrible nightmares on people and nourish on their fears, when that happens Cresselia arrives to replace them with pleasant dreams.
Sea Guardians
- The Sea Guardians is a pair of Legendary Pokemon that is responsible to keep peace in the seas.
It is not clear what is the relationship between these two species, but they are well known to be the only legendaries capable of breeding. Both these peculiar Pokemon can be found as eggs and hatched.
Swords of Justice
- The Swords of Justice, also known as Legendary Musketeers, is a group of Legendary Pokemon based on the French novel The Three Musketeers.
They became renowned after challenging humans in order to protect other Pokemon from losing their homes. The musketeers were once a trio that became a quartet with the adoption of Keldeo.
Their current whereabouts is unknown, but legends narrate that if a valiant challenger were to show up they would return to grant them a match.
Forces of Nature
- The Forces of Nature, also known as Kami Quartet, Cloud Quartet or Legendary Genies, is a group of Legendary Pokemon once revered for bringing fertility and prosperity to the land.
In the past the Cyclone and Bolt Strike Pokemon did nothing but fight each other, wreaking massive destruction across the land with their ferocious gales and fierce thunderstorms. The wrath of Landorus put an end to their recklessness, stopping the cataclysms.
Tao Trio
- The Tao Trio, also known as Tao Dragon Trio or Energy Trio, is a group of Legendary Pokemon meant to represent the balance of the world.
Reshiram represents the concept of yang, Zekrom represents the concept of yin, and Kyurem represents the concept of wuji (the absence of yin and yang). Legends narrate that once the yin and yang Pokemon were a single powerful dragon that, after a certain event, split into two incompatible sides; the transformation generated a shapeless leftover that soon after took the form of a third incomplete dragon, Kyurem. They disappeared after centuries of fights, returning to their primordial sleeping state.
It is said the trio can be revived by soaking their primordial stone into a certain healing pool.
Aura Trio
- The Aura Trio, also known as Yggdrasil Trio or Axis Trio, is a group of Legendary Pokemon that controls the life balance in the world.
Xerneas bestows eternal life, Yveltal steals all of the life energy around him, and Zygarde monitors the natural order of things, attacking whoever tries to disrupt it. They are the only legendaries characterized with a life cycle, transforming into a tree and a cocoon at the end of their lives and sleeping for a thousand years.
Guardian Deities
- The Guardian Deities, also known as Tapu, Sacred Guardians or Land Spirits, is a group of Legendary Pokemon who protect their home islands.
After waging war at each other, they isolated themselves from humans, hiding in a decayed temple. Many have visited it looking for the lost deities, without much success.
Light Trio
- The Light Trio is a group of Legendary Pokemon originary of another dimesion.
Solgaleo and Lunala are known as emissary of the sun and moon, respectively; they dispense light at will, bringing peace to the land. As opposite, Necrozma is feared as the "Pillager of Light", an entity with the constant aim of stealing all light in the world; the ancient "Blinding One", now incomplete, seeks out the light of the other two in order to regain its true form.
They all possess the power to open Ultra Wormholes, creating a direct connection between ours and the Ultra Space dimension.
Hero Duo
- The Hero Duo is a pair of Legendary Pokemon believed to be the heroes that worked alongside a certain king to stop the the rampage of Eternatus.
They were then forgotten and disappeared from this world. Legends narrate that if a certain someone entered in possess of one of their rusted relics, they would reappear to get the weapon back, challenging them to a duel.
Steed Duo
- The Steed Duo is a pair of Legendary Pokemon remembered as loyal steeds of a king from an ancient fairy tale, Calyrex. They disappeared mysteriously along with their king with a massive crown, but will make their return if lured with a lost carrot.
The day when the king and his steed will be reunited is nearing, the reins of their destiny is in your hand.
Treasures of Ruin
- The Treasures of Ruin, also known as Cursed Treasures, is a group of Legendary Pokemon that were once four treasures corrupted by negative human emotions. They were awakened by the greed of a fool king and went berserk, destroying everything in their sight until the day they were finally sealed away.
Paradox Duo
- The Paradox Duo is a pair of Legendary Pokemon said to be past and future relatives of Cyclizar.