Incompatibility List

From Generations

We strive to be compatible with as many mods as possible, if you run into an incompatible mod then please report it by opening a Bug Report so we may look into a fix.

There are however some current technical limitations that we cannot fix (yet at least), and you may refer to the list below for them

  • Datapacks that modify existing species jsons
    • While they may likely appear to work, some things may become impossible to obtain. Cobblemon's Poke Drops are inside of the species data, therefore if another datapack overrides ours, those items will not be dropped
    • Another potential issue is implemented true/false- as we have the entire dex enabled, all of our species jsons have implemented=true added to them which allows them to spawn and be summoned by a command. If a datapack you're trying to use is shipping all species jsons even if they haven't modified them, they may override us and therefore hundreds of Pokemon may become unobtainable
    • A minor issue is forms- some Pokemon in the default Cobblemon species jsons lack proper aspect/feature entries (such as galarians) as they aren't fully implemented. If a datapack modifies these species jsons and overrides us, those forms will not be obtainable
  • Shaders
    • We are currently not compatible with any shaders at all. Attempting to load a shader such as Iris / OptiFine will result in either invisible, black, or white Pokemon & block textures
    • We expect this issue to be fixed in likely our 1.1 release. This is due to our custom renderer and to save on time, we're skipping compatibility for the initial release so we can get the mod out quicker