
From Generations


Helix Fossil.png

Helix Fossil.png
Fossils of prehistoric Pokemon, the DNA contained in them can revive monsters from the past.

A Fossil is an ancient Item containing traces of an organism from the past, such as a skeleton, shell, or leaf, preserved in the earth.
It is possible to insert a fossil into an RKS Machine to revive it into a Fossil Pokemon.

Specific types of Fossils do not contain sufficent informations to revive a Pokemon, but it is possible to combine (craft) them with other incomplete Fossils to generate new types of hybrid Pokemon.

In nature, Fossils are found by mining Fossil Ores.

List of Fossils

Item Description
Helix Fossil.png Helix Fossil Piece of an ancient marine Pokemon's seashell.
Dome Fossil.png Dome Fossil Piece of an ancient marine Pokemon's shell.
Old Amber.png Old Amber A piece of amber that contains the genes of an ancient Pokemon.
Root Fossil.png Root Fossil Plant root that was once part of an ancient seafloor-dwelling Pokemon.
Claw Fossil.png Claw Fossil Claw that was once part of an ancient seafloor-dwelling Pokemon.
Skull Fossil.png Skull Fossil Part of the head of an ancient fossilized Pokemon.
Armor Fossil.png Armor Fossil Part of the collar of an ancient fossilized Pokemon.
Cover Fossil.png Cover Fossil Part of the back of an ancient fossilized Pokemon.
Plume Fossil.png Plume Fossil Part of the wing of an ancient fossilized Pokemon.
Jaw Fossil.png Jaw Fossil Impression left from the large jaw of an ancient land-dwelling Pokemon.
Sail Fossil.png Sail Fossil Impression left from the skin sail of an ancient land-dwelling Pokemon.
Bird Fossil.png Bird Fossil Can be crafted with a Drake/Dino Fossil to generate a Dracozolt/Arctozolt Fossil.
Fish Fossil.png Fish Fossil Can be crafted with a Drake/Dino Fossil to generate a Dracovish/Arctovish Fossil.
Dino Fossil.png Dino Fossil Can be crafted with a Bird/Fish Fossil to generate a Arctozolt/Arctovish Fossil.
Drake Fossil.png Drake Fossil Can be crafted with a Bird/Fish Fossil to generate a Dracozolt/Dracovish Fossil.

Hybrid Fossils

Item Description
Dracozolt Fossil.png Dracozolt Fossil Combination of Drake Fossil and Bird Fossil.
Dracovish Fossil.png Dracovish Fossil Combination of Drake Fossil and Fish Fossil.
Arctozolt Fossil.png Arctozolt Fossil Combination of Dino Fossil and Bird Fossil.
Arctovish Fossil.png Arctovish Fossil Combination of Dino Fossil and Fish Fossil.