Effort Values

From Generations

(Redirected from EVs)

Effort Values, also referred to as EVs, are values that strenghten your Pokemon by increasing its stats, they are mainly obtained by fighting other Pokemon.
From 1 to 3 EVs can be obtained by defeating an opposing Pokemon, up to a maximum of 510 points per Pokemon, or 252 per individual stat.

EVs affect stats, increasing their value proportionally to the Pokemon's level, up to requiring 4 EV points for a single extra stat point.
A level 100 Pokemon can gain a maximum of 63 extra stat points in a certain stat, and a total maximum of 127 stat points across all stats due to the effects of EVs.

Opposite to Individual Values, which are the innate potential of a Pokemon, the Effort Values can be trained and modified by the use of a number of items.


The Effort Values come in six variants: HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed, one for each of the existing stats.

Defeating a Pokemon in battle allows your Pokemon to gain from 1 to 3 EV points, the amount and type of points yielded variates depending on the defeated Pokemon species.

Refer to the Pokemon page or the EV Yield Chart for a list.

It is possible to increase the amount of Effort Values gained from a battle by making your Pokemon hold a Macho Brace.pngPower Item or by infecting it with Pokerus.

Exp Share.pngExp Shares and Exp All.pngExp All can also be used to share EVs between the Pokemon in your party, if the Pokemon on field cannot gain any more EVs, all the points are transferred to the Pokemon holding the Exp Share.

EV Training

EV Training is a process of gaining and removing EVs to strenghten your Pokemon. Assuming your Pokemon will eventually reach level 100, your aim is to train it to have 252 EVs in each of its primary stats, keep track of your Pokemon evs in its Stats menu.
Training your Pokemon may be a long and time-consuming process, but it is possible to hasten it by the use of Training Items.

  • In Single-player - Check the EV Yield Chart, decide on a Pokemon with an high spawn-rate and hunt it down.
  • On a Server - Seek help from other players, battling a trainer with a team specified for EV Training tremendously accelerates the process.


Power Items

Power Items are some selected items that affect the amount of EVs your Pokemon gains in battle. They all stack with the Pokerus condition.

Item Description
Macho Brace.png Macho Brace Holding this stiff, heavy brace halves a Pokemon's Speed in battle but doubles the amount of EVs gained.
Power Weight.png Power Weight Holding this weight halves a Pokemon's Speed in battle but adds 8 HP EVs to the gained amount.
Power Bracer.png Power Bracer Holding this bracer halves a Pokemon's Speed in battle but adds 8 Attack EVs to the gained amount.
Power Belt.png Power Belt Holding this belt halves a Pokemon's Speed in battle but adds 8 Defense EVs to the gained amount.
Power Lens.png Power Lens Holding this lens halves a Pokemon's Speed in battle but adds 8 Special Attack EVs to the gained amount.
Power Band.png Power Band Holding this band halves a Pokemon's Speed in battle but adds 8 Special Defense EVs to the gained amount.
Power Anklet.png Power Anklet Holding this anklet halves a Pokemon's Speed in battle but adds 8 Speed EVs to the gained amount.

See Also