- Generation 1
- Generation 2
- Generation 3
- Generation 4
- Generation 5
- Generation 6
- Generation 7
- Generation 8
- Generation 9
What is a Pokemon
A Pokemon is a creature based on various plants, animals, objects, and other concepts, that inhabits every corner of the world.
There are currently 1010 Pokemon species divided into 9 Generations.
Pokemon spawn at different conditions depending on the variant, other can change shape if they get in contact with special items, and a select number of them can only be obtained by generating a specific interaction.
Pokemon are friends and partners to players, they fight alongside us in battles and grow as we gain experience as Trainers.
Most Pokemon begin their lives as eggs, and many of them are capable of evolution to grow stronger and larger during their lives. It is possible for some of them to temporarily assume a different, more powerful form during battles, or change appearance depending on the weather, the item held or other conditions.
Pokemon within the same species can be found in many different growths, the size is only cosmetic and does not affect any other stat of the Pokemon. However, the Pokemon size is not just decided by its growth, all Pokémon grow in size as they level up, becoming considerably bigger as their level increases.
A small number of Pokemon, much more powerful than others, became part of legends told all around the world. It was not rare for some of them to be feared in the past, being sealed because deemed too powerful to control.
The fog on these Pokemon origin and connections in thick, but in a number myths is reported the existence of the "Groups", legendary and mythical Pokemon that share similar powers and pasts.
Pokemon can be befriended by catching them inside a Poke Ball, a small confortable item that allows them to rest while keeping them safe and making them easier to transport.
Poke Balls exist in many forms and colors, each with its own unique effects; choose the perfect one before staring a battle!
The usual procedure involves starting a battle with a wild Pokemon, weaken it and then throw it a Ball, if the luck is on your side the wild Pokemon will join your team. However it is also possible to try your luck directly and throw a Ball (right-click) to a Pokemon not involved in battle, the chances to catch it are lowered immensely but a lucky trainer may be able to do the catch of the day.
Most Pokemon have drops when you defeat them in battle, you can see a detailed list of what each Pokemon drop on their respective pages (ie Bulbasaur).
Not all drops happen on defeat, some specific Pokemon (i.e. the Regis) also drop items if captured successfully.
- Main article: Spawning
Wild Pokemon are found everywhere in your world, from the shallowest puddle to the harshest desert. Pokemon of all sizes and forms can be spotted walking, swimming and flying freely, however they are mostly not trustful of humans yet, they will often scatter at your passage or may become aggressive and attack your Pokemon team. Capture them and become friends!
Different Pokemon live in different biomes, wake up at different times of the day and spawn at different locations, these changes in conditions are usually spotted between different species, but it is not unusual to also see it happen within Pokemon species with more than one form.
- Main article: Special Textures
Specials is a term used to refer to Pokemon that have a skin different from their typical one. It is also possible for a Special Pokemon to use a custom model, different from the original one.
Even if a large part of Special Pokemon are only obtainable via commands, some of them will spawn naturally during Time-limited Events or by satisfying a certain requirement.
Everyone is able to create and add their own custom skins by following a short guide (refer to Special Textures).
Fakemon are your own custom-modeled and textured Pokemon. They are fully customizable to your tastes, from their aesthetics to their stats, learnset and spawn conditions.
Everyone is able to create and add their own custom monsters by following this guide.