From Generations
Follow the our contribution guideline below to help keep the wiki consistent
- Keep it simple or at least offer a simplified version in Guides
- Minimize duplicated data (with the exception of the Guides page which is designed to explain mechanics as simple as possible). As many of you are aware, our previous wiki was a disaster full of inconsistent data. Link to other pages rather than repeating the data, this way we can keep data consistent and only have to update one page vs many when something changes. Example: In Summoning Legendary Birds we simply link to the items rather than including their crafting recipes and how to obtain them a second time
- Stay consistent, include the images and links of items, blocks, and Pokemon when referencing them. All item images are simply their item name including any spaces, and capital letters such as "Blue Orb.png". Pokemon are just their Dex number ie "001.png". Pokemon with forms are DexNumber-formname.png ie "003-mega.png".
- Please don't get too ambitious and do large redesigns. We've intentionally kept the site rather simple for easier upkeep. We'd love to spiff it up a bit, but we've got a lot on our plate currently. If you are a web designer and have the itch, please consult with us first
- Fix broken pages. For an easy list of broken pages, please refer to Pages with broken links and Wanted Pages
- All pages on this list have some form of issue that need resolved.
- Broken pages dock us points on our SEO score, so it's important broken pages are resolved so we are displayed more favorable when players for us
- Fix any incorrect content
- Stay on top of our Github pushes and apply relevant changes (ie new block added to mod -> add block to wiki)
Please note changes made to our wiki will require manual review by our team members before they go live to the public. We retain the right to reject changes for any reason. By submitting to our wiki you also agree the entries and info submitted here made will be made publicly available- permanently. As such, do not use your real name when creating an account, the history of your account will be forever publicly available and we can not hide it.