Developer Team
Developers create the mod features and implement assets, builds, or fix issues reported by others. Want to help make something great together?
Join our Discord and fill out a quick 2 question form in #apply
Build Team
Our Build Team creates the wonderful structures you find while exploring
Join our Discord and fill out a quick 2 question form in #apply
Asset Team
Our asset team is full of talented artists, modelers, and animators. Want to help us create new blocks, items, or special Pokemon?
Join our Discord and fill out a quick 2 question form in #apply
Tester Team
Our Testers try out beta's before the public and are given a spreadsheet checklist to test certain mechanics and report bugs before we release an update to the public- they're who help make sure releases are stable!
Join our Discord and fill out a quick 2 question form in #apply
Wiki Team
To join our Wiki Team, start by Creating an Account. Contribute by correcting mistakes, adding appropriate new pages, or adding additional information to existing pages. Make sure to read our Contributing Guidelines. Edits made will need to be approved by a Wiki Team Member. If a week passes without an action taken, please inform us in our Discord.
Wiki Team members receive BETA changelogs to future Generations releases, allowing them to make the proper changes (add new pages for new content, etc) in accordance to the new updates. We communicate exclusively in Discord.
Join our Discord and fill out a quick 2 question form in #apply